Printers for hospitals is an unusual action in the fight against the coronavirus pandemic

As we all know, the COVID-19 epidemic in our country is accelerating. So that we do not repeat the tragic scenario that we see in Italy whenever we can – let us stay at home.

Various actions and fundraisers are being organised in response to the call for huge shortages in the protective equipment of hospitals, medical institutions and other public services. Let us remember that they risk their health every day by helping others. The 3d printing community did not remain passive and began to produce all sorts of components to help fight the virus. One of them is a protective helmet in direct contact with the infected:

The idea and project was created by Josef Pruse and can be found at – project

I myself joined the supply of Silesian establishments. I use a slightly modified project made available by Bartek. It is constantly being improved to improve print speed and ease of installation:

Pet is the best material for printing helmets, and you need:

  • A4 bind film with a thickness of at least 200mic.
  • punch
  • Rubber bands with buttonholes, commonly referred to as "pregnancy gum". I can also be other rubber or even "eraser recipes"

More information about the action and demand of Silesian hospitals can be found on the FB Group – Printers For Hospitals Silesia

More general information to find in the group: 3D printing Poland

If you have a 3D printer, I encourage you to join the action.

If you would like to help us in other ways, for example, by purchasing materials for us or transferring funds for their purchase – please contact us in a message on facebook: Click

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