Fiberlogy PP Polypropylene Settings for Prussia MK3/MK3S

Looking for information about print profiles for the new fiberlogy material, I did not find any ready-made for Prussia MK3/MK3S so I created my own and share them with anyone looking for one.

Since polypropylene has a large shrinkage and sticks well only properly to itself, it is necessary to cover the table with packing tape as seen below when printing.

pp tape printing table cover

In addition, it is worth taking care of the lack of drafts.

As it is in the profile – large prints print with raft and brim enabled,

As it is in the profile - large prints print with raft and brim enabled,

The finished print looks like the following:

finished 3d printing of polypropylene

The finish of the layers is very nice and the finished item itself is pleasant to the touch and slightly elastic. I hope it will appeal to the birds who have been caught.

An interesting property of the filament is still that through its elasticity, and at the same time the appropriate strength and rigidity – it used me to hang the feeder on its balcony.

printed pet feeder

Settings for Simplify3d: Fiberlogy Polypropylene

Settings for Prusa Slic3r: Fiberlogy Polypropylene

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