Serpico – automate the writing of reports

I guess most pentesters ask, "What's the least forth in penetration testing?" – accordingly replies that in writing reports of these tests. It is a rather tedious process, taking a long time and requiring you to describe the vulnerabilities found for different types of audience. I wrote about it here – "What should a good penetration test report look like?"

However, this process can be simplified and automated. The Serpico tool comes to our aid here. It is a program to generate reports from previously created templates. It allows you to build a so-called "knowledge base" with frequently repeated vulnerabilities and add them to the report you are currently creating. This is done by simple selection from the list. We will find a few ready-made templates as soon as you start the program. An additional advantage of the tool is the possibility of parallel cooperation on one report with other pentesters.

The tool can be found at the link – Serpico.

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