Until recently, I knew almost nothing about the existence and operation of mechanical watches. Infected by my brother's passion for this subject, I decided to study the knowledge in this field. That's how I found a very substantive channel about watches by Krzyśk Humeniuk – TikTalk
It went on fast. The first vending machine and the idea of building a rotomate, which by imitating the movements of the wrist would take care of winding the drive spring. Thanks to this, the timer can indicate the time in principle continuously and does not require systematic manual winding.
The project required several things to be co-ordaed:
- 3D printed parts

- microcontroller arduino uno (I at the insuce of a colleague I used arduino nano) – to buy here – CLICK

- stepper motor 28BYJ-48 5V with control system – available for purchase here – CLICK

- bisttable switch with plug – available for purchase here – CLICK

- Cable
- LED diodes
- DC 5V power supply – available for purchase here – CLICK
- screws M3x10mm, M3x16mm, M3x20mm
- knowledge, time and patience, as is often the case with such projects 🙂

The whole is connected according to the following scheme:

The greatest difficulty caused me to connect the switch wires accordingly, so that when I press the button, its backlight lights up and goes out with the system turned off.
The rotomate control code is based on an infinite loop, which is responsible for moving the stepper motor every 1000ms left and right for 5 min followed by a 5 min break.

The layout after folding looks like this:

Its action can be seen in the video below: